Paying it is generally a bad idea if you want to improve your credit score. Paying a collection removes the balance, but it still stays on your credit report for 7 years.
That’s what hurts your score drastically, not the balance.
But, when we check their report (on all three bureaus) we normally find hidden items negatively affecting their score
The best option that we can help you with is disputing a collection from your report. Once a collection is removed from your report, your score will almost definitely increase.
What’s even better is you won’t have to pay a dime to the collection company.
Once we have your updated report, we can verify what errors we can dispute (and get removed) for you.
We’ll need just a few pieces of information to verify your identity, plus make sure we are reviewing the correct report.
Once we have your updated report, we can verify what errors we can dispute (and get removed) for you.
We’ll need just a few pieces of information to verify your identity, plus make sure we are reviewing the correct report.
Once we have your updated report, we can verify what errors we can dispute (and get removed) for you.
We’ll need just a few pieces of information to verify your identity, plus make sure we are reviewing the correct report.
Once we have your updated report, we can verify what errors we can dispute (and get removed) for you.
We’ll need just a few pieces of information to verify your identity, plus make sure we are reviewing the correct report.